Tuesday, 31 March 2015

A walk through the park from the office - d3 Yerevan

An exhausting day for Mum as Lee and mates were back to work. We caught a lift to his work so that we could find it should we need to, then walked back to the hotel in time for lunch and a sleep (nearly 2km).

There are parks everywhere throughout the well designed city. Many are not well tended, but that may be because winter is just finishing. I can only imagine this place in summer - there are ponds and water fountains everywhere! None are in use now as the water would likely freeze overnight. All the parks are filled with closed carnival rides - pure agony for a nearly 2 year old in search of a play ground.

We joined some elder citizens at their outside exercise equipment which I classified as playground.

Tom continues his reign as resident 'angel'. Being handed candy by strangers, asked his name and touched all the time. Unfortunately he is starting to expect it after just 3 days. I shudder in expectation of landing in England in 2 weeks.

Massive stack on his scooter today: down a ramp and smack face first into a wall, fall off and crack back of head onto tile floor. Mum is still recovering. Tom seems fine after initial impact.

With rain forecast all day, we were lucky to not have a drop on us, despite a hail storm about 4.30pm, we even had sunshine.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Landed safe in Yerevan, Armenia

Landed safe in Yerevan Armenia. The main colours are grey and green. Green grass covering grey soil. On the outskirts near the airport it's all communist housing blocks that look like commission housing or like 2-3 storey blocky things that are falling down. However, we're staying at a hotel close to the centre. The centre is all grand buildings in pink stone and water fountains.

Tom was really good during the flight from Melbourne to Dubai (14h), sleeping on Lee maybe 8h. And really good while 'wait our turn' for most of the day. Made some friends while waiting for the Yerevan flight by sharing his car and chasing the friend's balloon. He was also a main attraction heading to Yerevan for his 'beautiful eyes' and blond hair. Plus he's all cute.

Second flight was a bit of a shock as it was the budget airline partner, so no food and no entertainment and no special treatment for parents - Tom decided he wouldn't sleep that leg - luckily it was only 3h. (I was counting down.)

Most people surprised we are heading for work because there is very little at the moment. Met a graphic artist getting on the plane who lives in Dubai to work, but would move in an instant if work in Armenia.

Home from dinner and all exhausted. Tom fell asleep before his food even arrived. Waiter provided chairs so that Lee could eat.

Photos failing to upload, sorry.

Day 2 in Yerevan, Armenia

Today was Sunday, although you wouldn't guess it from the number of workers.

The hotel is on the corner at an intersection and our room is on the corner of the hotel so we have a great view from our wrap around balcony. Two of the three other corners are building sites, both of which were in action today, and one is still going now at 7:30pm - more than 12h.

All the shops too were open, with hours like 9am-8pm. I am guessing it's an indication of the economy that working hours like that in a shop 7 days a week is necessary.

Today was Palm Sunday, so we saw lots of people in their Sunday best heading to church. The women and girls were wearing vine wreaths on their head and many people were carrying branches of cherry blossom buds.

Tom was a superstar everywhere we went, with people trying to touch him and kiss him, tousle his hair, pinch his cheek, press his nose. He was the only naturally blond person we saw all day. He is curious about and enjoying the attention, but not loving the strangers who grab him. There was one older lady who grabbed him either side of the head and laid a bunch of kisses on him, as soon as he was released he was out the door without looking back.

Luckily he hasn't been picked up for riding his scooter everywhere. He's very attached to it and is now steering around corners (thank goodness). We went past a local square where you can hire bikes and electric cars. It appears that most families can't afford bikes, so you hire one to learn on.

Based on the popularity and childhood fear of dogs at the park, they are also rare.

A big day today. It will be different tomorrow when Lee and the other men head to work. They'll be able to walk a bit faster for one!