Friday, 18 June 2010

Observations and Commentary

Rush Rush
I have commented previously about the prevalence of "sorry" comments. The balance of f
rustrations and impatience do seem to manifest in public arenas, where it is semi-anonymous. Do not expect a Londoner to wait half a second at the supermarket to let you through. The same goes on the roads: for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. One is more important at that time than any other One.

Bike helmets
It is quite weird that there is no compulsory helmets for bike riders here - so i think 50% of Londoners don't wear one. Lee has noticed that probably 80% of commuters do wear one (which is good, especially in this traffic) and ride faster than Melbournians so he's picked up his pace to work.

We've noticed that it is not just an accent with words, but also inflections and emphasis in whole sentences that is different to Australia. To take questions as an example. Where I would ask, "Did you go to the beach?" with rising pitch, a local will start with high pitch and end on low pitch. Another example is, "Did you find what you were looking for?" Here the high pitch lasts to "look". I am used to the reverse, with the start of the sentence being "Didjya". Lee and I feel like we are picking up the speech already.
I am definitely pronouncing my T's, otherwise I'd go thirsty - they don't know what "war-dar" means. Coming across Aussies is a bit weird to hear them talk already.

The water is dehydrating. I don't know how it manages to do it, but everytime I wash, I need moisturiser. Perhaps it has something to do with the calcium build up we're seeing on all the taps, sink and shower. When I first arrived, I noticed that it felt slimy in my mouth, but I don't notice that now.

There is so much pre-prepared food in the supermarket. Less so, now that we're living further out of town, but pre-prepared meals and sandwiches make up a large section of the fridge aisles.
There is also a large selection of curries, but a relatively limited section for noodles, stir-fry sauce and other Asian dishes. I guess it's a reflection of proximity and population immigration?
(Don't bother buying sushi here, it's expensive and poor quality.)

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